Shiva Prasad Paudel

Associate Professor,
School of Law
Honors and Awards


Shiva holds a Bachelor’s and PhD in Law from Tribhuvan University and a Master of Comparative Law (MCL) from University of Delhi. He was a visiting scholar at Columbia University, New York through a Public Interest Law Fellowship in the year 2010-11. Additionally, he attended non-degree programs in international relation, human rights, and public interest law at Zhejiang Normal University, University of Utrecht and University of Oslo.


Shiva conducts learning sessions on/teaches Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Legal Research and Philosophy of Law at the School of Law. He collaborates with other schools of Kathmandu University in facilitating courses and trainings on environmental law, child rights and child protection.


Shiva began his career as a staff attorney at the Forum for the Protection of Public Interest (Pro Public), an NGO, in 2001. He has over fifteen years of experience in the non-governmental sector as a legal professional. His roles included working with Pro Public for more than two years, Save the Children International for over ten years, and Association of International Non-governmental Organization for two years. He led a child and justice program at the Central Child Welfare Board, a statutory body, for more than two years. He contributed in setting up juvenile courts for the first time in the country and also helped in building capacity of judicial and non-judicial staff.

Shiva has extensively involved in drafting bills and administrative laws for children and civil society on behalf of federal, provincial and local bodies. In 2000s, he focused in drafting State reports and from 2010 onwards, he worked with NGO coalitions to prepare alternative reports for submission to treaty bodies and the Human Rights Council. He has also participated in or led various ministerial, statutory or civil society action and policy research initiatives.

Shiva joined Kathmandu University as a full-time Assistant Professor in 2016. After two years, he transitioned to a visiting faculty role. In 2024, he rejoined the school of law as a full time faculty member.


Paudel, S. (2023), Access to Justice to the Judicial Committee, Kathmnadu University.

Paudel, S. (2021), Access to Justice to Children in Nepal in the “Access to Justice in Nepal”, the Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University.

Paudel, S. (2019), Incorporation of the General Principles of UNCRC in the Children’s Act, 2018 in the “Bar Council Journal”, Lalitpur, Nepal.

Paudel, S. (2018), Public Interest Litigation in Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment in Nepal: Accomplishments and Challenges from litigants’ perspectives in the “National Human Rights Commission Journal”, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal.

Paudel, S. (2018), Child Rights in Nepal: A Comparative Analysis of Seven Constitutions in the “CWISH Journal”, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Paudel, S. (2015), Status of CRC Compliance in Nepal, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Government of Nepal.

Paudel. S. (2014), Effectiveness of Social Security for Children, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Government of Nepal.

Paudel, S. (2012), International Standard and Practices on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Children: Rights and Justice in Nepal, Nepal Law Campus (A textbook for LLB and LLM programs).

Honors and Awards

Honor and Awards

  • Lok Raj Gyawali Gold Medal (Nepal Law Campus)
  • International Visitor Leadership Program (Department of State)
  • Public Interest Fellowship (PILNet and Columbia University)